Time for a Change!

Friday, October 30, 2009

It's been more than a year since i started this blog of mine in an attempt to record my travels and publish my thoughts too. But with the inspiration of many, this blog has become a travel blog and the love you all showed me motivated me to write more and write better (i hope! :))

I don't know why I had named my blog as "Pondering Musings or Quintessential Drifts?" but I never felt like changing it to something more meaningful suiting the content. Now after 28 posts I see that I might continue this passion for much longer than I had anticipated and it is time to take it seriously.

As a first step, I am changing the title of my blog to THE WANDERING SOUL'S WANDER TALES.. something related to travel atlast. Please update your blogrolls in case you have blogrolled me.  :)

Also I would like to mention fellow bloggers U Sandeep, Arun and Vamsee who inspired me in the very beginning to maintain a travel blog - U Sandeep with his amazing stories of the wild treks, Arun with his organized and informative travel tales and last but not the least Vamsee with her lively stories and breathtaking pictures.Now of course, the list has grown long

Before I knew it, I was totally sucked into this awesome world of blogging and it has been an awesome experience ever since. All you lovely people, Thank you so much for the encouragement and support over the past year and I hope you continue to show me the love in the years to come as well. 

And I would like to ask you for your feedback too. Please tell me what you like and what you don't like about my blog? An opinion from a friend yesterday got me thinking about this. How is the layout, load time, navigation, content, something that irritates you? What are your suggestions? Do let me know and help me make my blog better!

~The Wandering Soul

Come along with me, on a virtual journey! Find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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  1. Hey thanks for the mention. Good to know :)

  2. One year already! Wow!!! Keep going!

    P.S. I am a regular reader of a few travel blogs... including yours that is :)

    Thanks for providing the links of your fellow bloggers: U Sandeep, Arun and Vamsee. Checked them out... all three are interesting, informative and have some great looking pics. Am hooked!

    Here is the link to a blog... kinda travel related: http://imprintsonice.blogspot.com/

    You may find it worth a read...

  3. Neelima,
    Thanks for mentioning me. There are two kinds of travels - real and armchair. The second kind takes us places any time we want. Your blog and writing does exactly that - transports the reader to the destination. You are an incredible writer. I love the design of your blog too. I don't have any feedback other than to keep on traveling and writing.
    I have made a lot of friends through my blog and I hope to meet you (or travel with you) some time.

  4. @ Arun - Your welcome... :)

    @ Amrit - Thanks.. :)

    @ Roshmi - Yes, it's been more than a year infact! :) Thank you for your lovely comments each time.
    I have checked this blog link before and his tales from Antarctica have only made desire to set foot in that land stronger!

    @ Vamsee - Your Welcome and That's so sweet of you..Thank you! Our paths would cross sometime soon i hope. :)

  5. Great!

    btw I've tried my hand at micro-fiction. Do let me know what you think...

  6. Hey Hi... Nice thoughtful title.. Good refreshing change...
    My Travelogue

  7. ur new name is nice neelima and thnx for the mention. its very nice to hear that i was some inspiraton to a good traveller cum writer like u ... u and the blog is doing good :) just keep travelling and share these wonderful travelogues with us. the more u travel, the more u write and the better the blog will be. all the best.

  8. Thanks Sandeep! :)
    The traveling part is going fine, just the sharing part is lagging behind a lot! i hope to cover it up soon and come to a stage where i can blog about my trip immediately.. :D


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