I Am Wandering in Ladakh! :)

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Spectacular is an understatement.

I was wowed for two weeks now and it is time for me come back to a mundane life where the skies aren't blue, the weather doesn't change my plans, the mountains don't give me shelter and the world isn't wild! :(

It feels weird to sit at a cybercafe. (gosh! how long has it been since i used that word??!!) Today is my last day in Ladakh and I found some time and inclination to connect with the outside world.

There were days when the sun was shining bright and days when clouds of doom descended upon this land of endless discoveries. I have visited some amazing lesser known areas of Ladakh and I assume I was able to capture some spectacular shots with my new DSLR. :)

So stay tuned. Bengaluru, here i come!

Come along with me, on a virtual journey! Find me on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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  1. Very nice to know that you had a lovely time. Looking forward for the images and most imptly the writeups :)
    2 weeks out of civilization is def a bliss i totally second your feelings.


  2. Did weather gave you trouble in ladakh? Btw, I didn't expect you back till this sunday! welcome back to "civilization"... :)

  3. Wow! You really do lead a charmed life... don't you... ?!!

  4. ## Shiva - It is getting hard to manage photography with writing now. :-| I guess I have to find a balance. But yes, it was a lovely vacation. :)

    ## Joshi Daniel - photos are on the way.. :D

    ## rt g - I would've loved to stay back until sunday. I was thinking something else while planning. :-S

    ## Roshmi - :) :)

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